For 38 years, I have been developing a mentor heart – since I was an adolescence in the 1980’s (yes, I had HUGE hair!). By God’s grace, I developed a vibrant relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ, when I was young. I made my share of poor choices, but God helped me navigate difficult family situations and developed a passion for serving him. As an adult, I serve the Lord by mentoring women and children in churches and communities. In addition, I serve the Lord in a fulfilling career in Christian education and have taught in Ohio, New York, and Oregon.
Like me, you may have discovered an important truth. In working with many women and children, I discovered we are all searching for the answers to the same three questions:
“Who am I?” (identity) “Where do I fit?” (belonging) “Why am I here?” (purpose)
My passion for mentoring and discipling women and children in the truth of God’s Word propels me. Women are powerful influencers, but they must first understand their biblical identity, belonging, and purpose. We must courageously fight against the lies of secular culture. We must stand with conviction and excellence on the truth of God’s Word. We must lovingly embrace for ourselves and teach children the eternal, life-changing message of the gospel.
With this site, my deep hope is that I will INSPIRE women of God through godly examples on my blog, INSTRUCT women of God in biblical truth with content in my shop, which will IMPACT women of God to become passionate change-makers transforming their home and culture. I believe if we can reach across the limits of geography and find each other, there is no limit to what God can do in a mentored heart!
If you also have a heart to mentor women, you may want to check out my MentorHeart Curriculum. It is written just for you! It is a simple to use curriculum based on current coaching techniques that has high-impact on all participants! Read about the details here.